Library » A Guide to Begin Research

A Guide to Begin Research

What Research Is Not...

Research is NOT a product, but rather, a process. The goal is NOT to answer a question, but to learn and deepen your understanding around a given question. YOU become a detective, an explorer, an influencer, an expert by inquiring and seeking new information. There are plenty of resource links within this site to assist you. If you get stuck, you can request an appointment to meet with the librarian for personal assistance, or just ask for help. Good luck😊!

General Research Information to Consider Before Beginning Your Research

Picking Your Topic is Research

Picking a topic to research is not as simple as it seems.

The Perfect Source

Don't look for all of your information in one source.

Phrase Searching

Use search strategies to search for information about your topic.

Evaluating Sources for Credibility

Learn how to evaluate whether or not a source should be used in your academic writing.